Stupidly funny steam names
Stupidly funny steam names

Randomized levels and the chance of upgrading your units keep tempting us back for one more round. These are the bands who have been subjected to that and shouldn't have been. As the Blitzkrieg, you might use your Hook Mech to move enemies into a line, then strike with your Lightning Mech to send a pulse of electricity through them all, for example. I suppose it’s possible that we’ve forgotten one or two of the world’s most funny city names. Some people hate bands who are actually good because it's the cool thing to do.


Your three units have their own skills, and you must work out how to apply them to the situation at hand. The Blitzkrieg are lightning specialists, the Frozen Titans use ice, the Steel Judoka use raw physical strength. You take control of one of eight mech squads, which you unlock sequentially, each with its own specialty. It’s your job to slot those puzzle pieces into place, and decide how you can wipe out as many of them as possible in one turn. Funny Fantasy Football Team Names After you draft your fantasy team, you need to name it, but coming up with funny fantasy football team names is be harder than you think. Your alien enemies - usually giant insects - always telegraph their next move, whether that’s moving one square, attacking a skyscraper, or spitting bile in your direction. Okay, it’s not actually chess, but Into the Breach’s rules feel equally as simple and elegant.

stupidly funny steam names stupidly funny steam names

It’s chess, but with rocket launchers and mechs instead of knights and bishops. Browse the top lists of names - filled with inspiration that will help you to find the perfect name.

Stupidly funny steam names